Friday, May 28, 2010

Bridge Development

Bridge Design 1: The first bridge I designed was a bit of a shocker. The tutor, and myself both agreed that it was a bit of a nothing design. I can’t even explain what I was trying to express in the design, cause I don’t even know.

Bridge Design 2: The second bridge I designed I put a lot more thought into. I considered what type of power both the clients processed and tried to design according to them (I also got some advice from my tutor). The thought behind the design this that Angela Merkel has great power. She is strong and her power is large scale, effecting lots of people. ‘She’ therefore supports majority of the bridge structure. Miranda Kerr on the other hand has power that is very much dependent on the way the public and the media perceive her. Therefore her offices balances on right end of the bridge.

Balancing the power. I want to make people consider what might happen to the bridge structure if one of the clients space is taken away. If the Merkel side was to break then due to the position of the Kerr side, it too would fall and break. Similarly if the Kerr side was to disappear then there would be too much weight on the Merkel side and it too would fall and break. Therefore there must be a careful balance between powers.

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